ICBP actively engages with government, local communities and Non-Government Organizations (“NGOs”) to protect the environment. We support the government’s waste management initiatives through the Indofood Waste Bank and Green Warmindo programs, and partner with the Mangrove Ecosystem Restoration Alliance (“MERA”) to drive other environmental conservation efforts.


  • Indofood Waste Bank
    The Indofood Waste Bank program was established to raise consumer awareness on the proper disposal of post-consumer packaging waste. The Indofood Waste Banks serve as collection points where communities can drop their segregated postconsumer packaging waste for recycling.

    In 2020, ICBP continued its efforts to increase the quality and quantity of post-consumer waste collection through community education, improving the performance of existing waste banks, and building new waste banks. We have a separate Green Warmindo program where packaging waste from the Warmindo network is regularly collected for recycling.

    We have been expanding our Green Warmindo program in Semarang by integrating with other waste banks in the vicinity to establish a more effective and sustainable collection system for recyclable wastes. In 2020, we replicated this effort in Yogyakarta, where our Green Warmindo facilities were integrated with waste bank belonging to the local government.

  • Mangrove Ecosystem Restoration Alliance
    MERA is a platform of collaborative effort by the public and private sector, as well as NGOs to restore and protect mangrove ecosystems, and reduce the vulnerability of communities in coast areas. ICBP supports MERA through funding, strategic contributions, and active participation.

    In 2020, MERA has constructed of a gateway and 238-metre boardwalk along Muara Angke to support future developments.

  • Nature Conservation
    ICBP has been working with local communities and government offices to support tree-planting activities across Indonesia. These efforts have helped to revitalize the landscape and maintain the natural springs in East and West Java.